North Atlantic Basketball Academy

basketball NABA camps

Achive your goals faster

Naba basketball camp

We organise basketball courses throughout the year for experienced players or young people (Girls and Boys) wishing to discover basketball 

Barcelona Camp

9th – 27th September 2024

Lanzarote Camp

3rd June – 28th June 2024

Dublin Camp

1st July – 23rd August 2024

Next basketball camp

Find the date that suits you

Residential and day camper

NABA Camps offer a fantastic opportunity for players of all skill levels to enhance their game and benefit from the guidance of experienced international coaches.

These camps have gained widespread popularity within the international basketball community, drawing in young players aged between 8 and 20 years old (girls and boys) from diverse countries across the globe.

Join us at NABA camps, where basketball enthusiasts from around the world converge for a transformative journey of skill development, cultural exchange, and international camaraderie.

Find out more about our different basketball camps below !

Schedule naba camps

morning training

Basic schedule subject to change according to the different locations and coaches


We are vigilant to any allergies or dietary requirements

8:00 am

basketball gym

Heading to the basketball court for a collective warm-up at 10am

9:30 am

technical skills practice

After a collective warm-up, we start with physical and strength training

10:00 am

lunch break

After the first training session of the morning, lunch break

1:00 pm

afternoon training

Basic schedule subject to change according to the different locations and coaches

tactical skills

To become a smarter basketball player

2:00 pm


Team games – opposition

3:30 pm

Back to the residence

For those who are day camper, parents can come and collect them

5:00 pm


Once at the residence, it’s free time before dinner, then after that evening activities (film, card games, etc.) and bedtime around 10pm.

7:00 pm

What you get

Training for All positions and skills

At NABA Camp here are just some of the skills you will learn from our expert coaches to help increase your level at all positions.

Physical Conditioning

Injury Prevention, How to look after your body before and after training and games.

Increase your speed & agility, build explosive power, and increase endurance and aerobic capacity.

Game-like situations

Floor spacing, Transition Spacing and tactics, movement off of an on-ball and off-ball screen, 1-on-1, 2-on-1, 2-on-2,3-on-2 etc, attacking & defensive situations and basket penetrations.


Players will learn how to deal with mental blocks and become mentally tougher and become more self-disciplined,while also building more self-confidence, staying focused in tough game situations, mental game preparation before games and learning to deal with difficult game outcomes after a bad game and improve their attitude on and off the court.

Technical Skills

Dribbling, shooting form, rebounding, footwork and finishing skills around the basket. 

Advanced tactical skills

Reading the defensive and how best to break it down and find the gaps, Reading fast break situations and how to get the best look, Specific half-court spacing depending on the other team’s defence, how to become a better on-court leader, help-defence and shot creation.